Monday 21 May 2007

Good Mypsace Coding

I feel that this is a good myspace because he hasn't just added code to change the colours of things in the page but they have completely changed the layout. This form of coding for myspace is called "Div Overlays". This completely gets rid of the gineric myspace layout that looks horrible. This kind of code isnt used much with myspace so it is nice to see somthing different and makes it stand out from the crowd.

I think the design behind this myspace is also good because the use of colours is well put together. I really like the image at the top of the page, it has been edited to look like it is stuck to the page. The only thing i would have changed on this myspace page is the colour of the box at the bottom of page. At the moment they are orange and i would have changed these to a colour that suits the image and background more, maybe like a black blue to go with the image. I don't know what colour for this with out playing with it and experimenting to find the correct colour.